A Walk with Izzy

I spy with my little eye…

Izzy and I went for a walk this lovely evening, I needed to nip up to Sussex Autogas to pick up my Tonka Toy, it has been ‘out to pasture’ for a few months and now I am going to run it around for a while.

We started off going through the pasture behind Townfield, which had a lovely view of the church poking up over the trees.  Through the gap then onto the road and over the stream, it was really pretty looking down at the flowing water.

Walking up the road, we went past the cottages and noticed someone was having their garden wall rebuilt, the stone was laid out perfectly on the lawn ready for laying.

I noticed the gate to Bridgefoot Meadows was open, so we dived in there to see who was about.  The yard was empty but I noticed David Stocker disappearing in the distance.  I knew there was a public footpath running through the small holding, so off we went following David. It was great to see the horses out, and there was a cute baby black lamb, although mother was not happy to see Izzy even though she was on the lead, so we carried on so as not to upset her.  Walking along the path we saw David feeding the piggies, but he was too far away from the path and I did not want to trapse across the fields without his permission, so we carried on along the footpath.

Eventually we got to Ganders Gate and there was my Rangie waiting for me – Izzy and I drove home, of course I had a big grin on my face, I have my Tonke Toy back on the road – whoot!

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